



Gadsmere,Grandcourt's place in a coal mining district where Mrs. Glasher and her children live for several years. In his will he leaves it to Gwendolen as her place of residence. "Imagine a rambling, patchy house, the best part built of grey stone, and red-tiled, a round tower jutting at one of the corners, the mellow darkness of its conical roof surmounted by a weather-cock making an agree able object either amidst the gleams and greenth of summer or the low-hanging clouds and snowy branches of winter; the ground shady with spreading trees: a great cedar flourishing on one side, backward some Scotch firs on a broken bank where the roots hung naked, and beyond, a rookery: on the other side a pool overhung with bushes, where the water-fowl fluttered and screamed: all around, a vast meadow which might be called a park, bordered by an old plantation and guarded by stone lodges which looked like little prisons. Outside the gate the country, once entirely rural and lovely, now black with coal-mines."


<em>Daniel Deronda</em>



