Fiction by George Eliot
SCROLL DOWN FOR TEXTS.Below, you will find the full-text Cabinet Edition set of George Eliot's Works, published in London and Edinburgh by William Blackwood and Sons in 1878. This complete collection, published two years before Eliot's death, represents the final corrected version of her works. Many subsequent editions have been published, with the Cabinet Edition as their foundation, which continues to be the scholarly standard for citing Eliot’s words.
The digitized Cabinet Edition texts remain the best option for accurate quotations and has the additional benefit of being searchable, downloadable, and freely available to anyone with internet access. When you are quoting from Eliot's works in the body of your writing, consider using a short version of the novel title, the volume number, and the page number(s). Adam Bede, for example, could be (AB 1: 55) with a Daniel Deronda quotation cited as (DD 3: 144).
Please cite the George Eliot Archive as you would any other edited collection, adding "George Eliot Archive, edited by Beverley Park Rilett" along with our website address, in your list of references. This shows which collection you used and helps others find us. Please acknowledge our behind-the-scenes programming and editorial work in your scholarship if you can. Our ability to offer free, open access research resources on George Eliot may depend on citations and measures of usage.
What's new here? We have added first edition publications to facilitate comparison between the first and final published versions. We are working on a tool that will highlight any textual differences between versions.